Naruto Shippuden Filler Guide
this filler guide was made by me, Alucard after I finished Naruto Shippuden, I didnt make one for origonal Naruto though. This covers wether or not I think filler is worth watching based on plot importance and how the filler helps overall story development.

ep 28 - This is an extra fight scene between Kisame VS Granny Chiyo/Sakura and Sasori VS Team Guy - watch it

ep 56 - 71 - Main crew meets people from The Land of Fire, this filler explains Elemental Chakra types a bit further so it is worth it - watch it

ep 91 - 112 - This should not be considered filler, this has a lot about the Three Tails and the status of Orochimaru and Sasuke's whereabouts - WATCH

ep 144 - 151 - More about The Six Tails - watch

ep 170 - 171 - Random extra reshowing of OG Naruto content - skip

ep 176 - 196 - Extra unimportant content - skip

ep 223 -242 - Life on A Boat arc, this is a fun arc but it is right before the War Arc picks up so I skipped it and came back to it later - optional

ep 257 - 260 - Recap of Sasuke Retreival/Sound Four arc - optional

ep 271 - Road to Sakura, funny extra bit, unimportant - skip

ep 279 - 281 - Extra War Arc content, does not assist plot - skip

ep 284 - 295 - Skip until ep 290 - Power Arc, this is a good arc and it explains the status of Kabuto, also includes important stuff about The Reanimation Jutsu and Edo Tensei, covers Tobi and Kabuto Alliance. watch

ep 303 - 320 - Recovers Sound Four - skip

ep 347 - 361 - Kakashis Anbu Arc - watch

ep 376 - 377 - Mecha Naruto filler, honestly the funniest filler I've seen, 100% worth it as a silly side bit - optional but watch it

ep 388 - 390 - Hanabi Hyuuga content, its alright - optional

ep 394 - 413 - Extra fight scenes - optional

ep 416 - 417 - Recap on Team Kakashi, important for Kakashis story, but not so much to the main story - optional

ep 422 - 423 - Recap on the rivalry between Konohamaru and Naruto in OG Naruto - skip

ep 427 - 450 - Shows what happened in Infinite Tsukiyomi, does not develop plot but it is funny - skip

ep 464 - 469 - Explains more on Okutsuki, if you are going to watch Boruto, watch this - optional

made by .Alucard#4558 on discord